The main character, Sakura Kiyose (Riru Yoshina), a high school student in the art club, tells her mother Tamaki (Yo Hitoto) that she wants to go to Tokyo to study at an art college, but her mother, who does not expect her daughter to leave home, does not listen… Meanwhile, Koichi (Kanji Tsuda) returns home after a long absence, and Sakura and Tamaki, looking forward to Koichi’s return, spend time together as a family, but they end up arguing as they discuss their future plans. In contrast to Koichi, who wants to respect his daughter’s wishes, Tamaki tries to one-sidedly express her own feelings, and finally kicks Koichi out of the house. Just as their awkward mother-son relationship begins, Sakura receives a call that Tamaki has collapsed at work! Sakura begins to anonymously post her feelings that she can’t tell anyone on social media, and seeks solace in a stray cat she meets by chance, but she is gradually driven into a corner…
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