The film revolves around the story of Ngoc, a 16-year-old girl, who is dealing with some psychological changes, with her father, Mr Phuc – a successful entrepreneur – who, due to the grief over the death of his beloved wife, devotes all his love to his child by controlling her anytime and anywhere. As a result, Ngoc feels distressed when her freedom is strictly controlled by her father. The conflict between father and daughter reaches a climax, and after all, they finally found a common voice and each can see themselves from different perspectives.
Director’s biography:
Nguyen Manh Ha, born in 1976 in Hai Duong, graduated from Hanoi University of Theater and Cinema. His TV series as director: Lamplighter (2001), Desperate (2002), What Happened Before Tet (2003), Oh! Mother-in-law (2004), Spring Visitor (2005), Gift from a Dream (2006), Eva Confession (2009), It’s Great Being a Dad (2010), Random Moments (2011), Runaway love (2012), Lady with many tricks (2013), Underground (2014). His movies as director: Soldiers (2019), A Time of Burning Phoenix Flower (2021).
Trụ Sở: 32 Hào Nam, Đống Đa, Hà Nội, Việt Nam
(Tầng 2 - Nhà A, Viện Văn hóa Nghệ thuật Quốc Gia)
Email: office@vfda.vn
Mobile: +84 982329292 (Ms. Thái Hồng Ngọc)