The movie weaves together a captivating series of stories encompassing a wide range of themes, including food, forbidden substances, cohabitation, neoclassicism, and politics. Concurrently, an assassin is on the run, desperately seeking a place of refuge. Along the way, he unexpectedly crosses paths with drug dealers and prejudiced farmers. It seems quite difficult for the assassin to escape from here, doesn’t it?
Dirertor’s Biography
Éric Valette, born in 1967 in Toulouse, France, gained widespread recognition in 2002 with his first horror film Maleficent, starring actors Clovis Cornillac and Gérald Laroche. This film earned him three awards, including the Visionary Award at the Festival Avignon film, the Bronze Award for best international film at the Fantasia International Film Festival, and the Jury Award at the Avignon Film Festival. Valette has proven himself in the genres of horror and crime films, with Thousand Cuts (Le serpent aux mille coupures) being one of his remarkable masterpieces. This film adeptly navigates socio-political themes while providing valuable moments of entertainment and contemplation.
Trụ Sở: 32 Hào Nam, Đống Đa, Hà Nội, Việt Nam
(Tầng 2 - Nhà A, Viện Văn hóa Nghệ thuật Quốc Gia)
Email: office@vfda.vn
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